Tuesday, May 14, 2024


Originally published in Health Resource Digest (5/1/2024)

Samantha Hunt, 24 is a young cancer awareness advocate due mostly to the upbringing of two cancer survivors who are outspoken about environmental cancers and proactive testing ("Get Checked NOW!" program).  She is in a graduate program for social work and grew up in a household in support of prevention and early detection.
Since she was 9 years old, Samantha took on personal studies on breast cancer when she watched her mother (Jennifer) undergo a bilateral mastectomy for early-stage breast cancer.  Samantha's father was diagnosed with early-stage prostate cancer, and her maternal aunt also had breast cancer. By her late teens into her college years, Samantha was convinced that she needed to have early screening, which is when she discovered she had dense breast tissue- a condition that is present in over half of women in the U.S.  [12]

Though currently testing negative for cancer, Samantha continues to undergo early detection through gene testing, ultrasound screening and maintains a significantly strict lifestyle of prevention (eating healthy/organic foods, no sugar, exercise, organic foods etc).  Early in life, she learned the value of staying proactive and getting a second opinion- never resting on reassuring words from physicians.  "Early on, my gyno didn't express any real sense of urgency about me getting an ultrasound test but gave me the referral just to make me happy...", stated Ms. Hunt.  "Even today (and sometimes even in the past with other breast exams), I often feel like they do it so quickly and carelessly, and I feel stressed out after...  I'm not convinced that I'm getting a proper examination!"

Samantha has received a total of 4 biopsies due to the "abnormally dense" breast tissue- a concern that scientists are now linking to breast cancer. [13] At an early age, Samantha took on a significant leadership role in her health to approve the biopsies despite the risk and concerns from her parents. "After my first sono, they found me to be 'very lumpy' and called on me to get a biopsy.  None of us were excited about this but if I was going to get any peace of mind, I made a decision to go for it and I'm glad I did. Honestly think I'd be more anxious knowing there's something that a doctor recommended that I should get a biopsy on!"


May 21, 2024, leading members of the NY Cancer Resource Alliance (NYCRA) held a special meeting with State Senator Patricia Canzoneri‐Fitzpa...