5/1/2024- The Women’s Health Collaborative (WHC) officially launches what educational director Dr. Roberta Kline calls “the ultimate alliance of women’s health champions”. This united volunteer group consists of public resources for women’s cancer, dense breast advocacy, research foundations of complex disorders (ie. Endometriosis and pelvic floor issues) and medical specialists from the private sector. This coalition aligns the promotion of ultrasound technology as the common life-saving solution for affordable and effective medical screening programs.
The 2024 Women's Health Resource Network Launches Ultrasound Screening Initiative for Underserved Communities

In support of the underserved and underdiagnosed women, the WHC was originally founded to bring early detection and public education about the many women’s health disorders that many find to be lacking in access and information. This doctrine united women’s health advocates like Geri Barish (Hewlett House), Joe Cappello (co-founder of the Are You Dense? Foundation), Dr. Robert Bard (IHRC / Integrative Health Research Center), Dr. Noelle Cutter (Molloy University Research on Ovarian and Breast Cancer research programs) and Nancy Novack (of nancyslist.org). “It’s time we wake up lawmakers and the medical community to re-evaluate the existing gold standards (like mammography),” stated Mr. Cappello during a Key to the City speech honored by Waterbury mayor Neil O’Leary. “We are finally picking up great steam in our national push to have all clinicians adopt the advanced results of ultrasound technology… as a sustainable and affordable solution for ALL women!”
In a recent “Cancer Powermeet” event, leading advocacy leader Ms. Barish joined the WHC concept about “EARLIER DETECTION” in support of proactive screenings for women from 20-39. “Due to the continuing rise in numbers of breast cancer cases in younger women, doctors need to change their thinking about starting checkups at 40.” Innovative screening plans comprise the use of ultrasound in screening centers and traveling vans as a starting point in underserved locations. For over 20 years, Ms. Barish has been active in state congress about a list of cancer related interests impacting women’s health including public initiatives like environmental causes and legislative change in healthcare protocols.
Cancer Imaging specialist Dr. Robert Bard presented a lecture in the 2024 Ultracon (AIUM) Symposium about diagnostic and screening innovations advancements the next stage in women’s longevity. “In the 1990's, 3D imaging allowed us to accurately detect uterine cancer, and particularly see abnormal ovarian tumors. In addition, imaging allowed us to detect an entire classification of ovarian cysts. Where ovarian cancer was once known as the ‘silent disease”, today's 3D ultrasound imaging brought the battle lines forward … as it can now identify potentially cancerous tumors in the glands in earlier stages pre-metastases. Creating a coalition promoting new education and clinical application of ultrasound is a game-changer-- offering a most affordable and highly accessible real-time scanning for immediate answers for women’s concerns”.
The outreach team behind the WHC aims to connect with lawmakers and health professionals alike, in pursuit of change through awareness. The Women’s Health Collaborative continues its mission to unite with new resources in support of better screening, community outreach and educational efforts to improve healthcare for women.
27 YEAR OLD STAGE3 BREAST CANCER VICTIM SURVIVED - DESPITE OF DOCS WHO MISDIAGNOSED! In the year 2015, I was diagnosed with a stage three breast cancer on my right breast. It was a triple negative. When I did my own research, it just really means it tested negative on three aspects of tests with (I believe) estrogen. I feel if I didn't follow my intuition or demand answers (since I found this lump), I wouldn't be here today because records have shown when we're younger, they don't really take it as seriously. I would say be your own advocate! Get the answers you deserve because there is always a cause. If you have a lump, obviously there is a cause for it. So even if they tell you otherwise, keep asking and keep digging for answers. Find out the cause of this lump and more importantly, find out what it really is! (See full report | Video)

REMEMBERING NANCY CAPPELLO: In 2014, Imaging Technology News (ITN) introduced breast cancer survivor-turned-crusader Dr. Nancy Cappello and her story about having dense breast tissue leading to a late-stage cancer. A false negative mammography scan (diagnosed in 2004) concealed a large 2.5 cm suspicious lesion, which was later confirmed to be stage 3c breast cancer. This same cancer had metastasized to 13 lymph nodes. This sparked Dr. Cappello to create the "Are You Dense?" Foundation- an international awareness crusade to better support dense breast diagnostics and initiatives pass legislation to enact laws requiring mammography centers to inform patients about their breast density and the associated cancer risks. Dr. Cappello passed away on Nov 15, 2018, from secondary myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), a bone marrow cancer that was a complication of her prior aggressive breast cancer treatments. But she ignited a legacy of fighting for improved policies, imaging technologies and advanced research to better address this health crisis that puts the est. 40% of the female population (women with dense breasts) at risk of a false negative reading.
Most CANCERS are not directly caused by inherited gene mutations. Unlike traits and characteristics passed down to children like blood type and eye color, which are a direct result of genetics, chronic diseases like cancer are recognized to be the result of an interaction between your genetics and your environment. These genetic changes that increase the risk of cancer CAN be passed down or inherited.
When a specific cancer type is prevalent in one side of the family, the cancer is recognized as a FAMILIAL cancer. Many of them are caused by a genetic mutation in one or more genes related to cancer susceptibility, such as BRCA1 and breast cancer. This is also the case with a "family cancer syndrome" (or "hereditary cancer syndrome"), such as Lynch Syndrome, which is a rare disorder in which family members have an above-average chance of developing a certain type or types of cancer. It is reported that up to 10% of all cancer cases may be caused by specific inherited genetic mutations called CANCER PREDISPOSITION genes. Individuals who carry a mutant allele of these genes have an increased susceptibility to cancer. Research also shows that other types of genetic variations can also predispose to cancer including epigenetics. It is now widely identified that an accumulation of genetic or epigenetic alterations can affect the conversion of normal cells to cancer cells.

GET CHECKED NOW! If you have family members that have been diagnosed with cancer, you may want to consider a comprehensive genetic test to get your personal biological blueprint which includes your predisposition. Call today to speak to a genetic advisor for a free consultation at 212-355-7017. THE WOMEN'S HEALTH COLLABORATIVE is an all-volunteer support resource offering public awareness about health solutions for women. We are not a medical facility but are navigators in support of understanding the current resources available. We also provide public news, educational materials and information about the latest resources in specific health disorders. FOLLOW US ON LINKEDIN and subscribe to the Women's Health Newsletter!

"TEST, DON'T GUESS!"- Cancer Predisposition & the Role of Genetic Testing By: Dr. Roberta Kline Cancer comes from one of two ways: inheriting genetic mutations that significantly increase your risk for specific types of cancer- but the majority of cancers occur from an interaction between your individual genes and the environment that they've been exposed to throughout your lifetime. Both of them can be tested for. And if you know what you're dealing with, you can create a plan that's specific for you that enables you to be proactive. This enables you to have that locus of control, that you know what's going on in your body, but you don't know if you don't test. Therefore, TEST- DON'T GUESS! And then you can create your roadmap that works for you.