Tuesday, June 18, 2024

PinkSmart NEWS: National Dense Breast Disclosure Law 9/10/2024

 From the press room of:


National Dense Breast Disclosure Law, takes effect on 9/10/2024

6/18/2024 - Hartford, CT.  The Are You Dense Foundation is proud to confirm the National Dense Breast Disclosure Law on September 10, 2024 at the Connecticut Legislative Office Building. This groundbreaking law aims to empower women by ensuring they receive crucial information about their breast density during mammography screenings.

Connecticut is taking the lead in championing breast density awareness, recognizing the importance of transparency and informed decision-making for women's well-being. The National Dense Breast Disclosure Law requires healthcare providers to inform patients about their breast density during mammography screenings. By providing this vital information, women can better understand their individual risk factors and seek appropriate medical care. Together, we will celebrate this historic moment and the power of knowledge in women's healthcare decisions.

This event marks a significant milestone in women's health.  According to co-founder and executive director Joe Cappello, "this law is a bold step in implementing this law is expected to set a national precedent...  in September, this law will become effective nationwide, ensuring that women across the country have access to this essential information.  This law showcases Connecticut's commitment to women's health and its determination to make a positive impact on a national scale. By raising awareness about breast density and empowering women with knowledge, lives can be saved and the overall well-being of women can be improved." 

This event is welcome to the public to attend. September 10, 2024 (11am - 1pm) at the at the Connecticut Legislative Office Building 300 Capitol Ave #5100, 2nd Floor, Hartford, CT. There will be guest speakers and a light lunch. For more info, visit: www.AreYouDense.org and www.AreYouDenseAdvocacy.org

6/15/2024- In celebration of the upcoming birthday of the late Dr. Nancy Cappello (Oct. 30), the ICRS (Integrative Cancer resource Society) gives honor to her courage and life-saving pursuits to bring global awareness about the risks of Breast Cancer from the link to dense breast tissue.  Dr. Cappello’s work to inform women about the risks of dense breast tissue led to density inform laws in 35 states.  Her advocacy also led to bringing clinical reform to earlier detection screening. According to Dr. Roberta Kline (Women's Health Digest medical publisher) and Dr. Leslie Valle- Montoya (ICRS exec. director), "...though we all know her passing to earmark a major movement in women's health, honoring the birthdate of such a figure posthumously (we feel) better resonates a more loving and eternal remembrance of message by breathing continued life to her legacy!"  (See original source: ITN NEWS)

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